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Washington state


(also see Exhibits and Displays, scroll down to 2024) 

On February 4, I was invited to attend and give a talk at their next-to-last scheduled educational program addressing the October 7, 2023 begun Hamas-Gaza-Palestinian and Israel war. As an interfaith guest and educator, I gave a talk. (My talk, with Q&A time, was video'd by a congregant; are being uploaded in 25 parts in the artist's Youtube videos, in Youtube type Seattle First Baptist Church A K Segan; the videos to be eventually joined into one video).  At the program, held in the church library, congregants viewed 4 Sight-seeing with Dignity series drawings, and a drawing done in Jerusalem, 2007: "Jerusalem Mosaic." (viewable in the Other Human Rights art gallery).
 The 4 displayed drawings of the Sight-seeing series: SWD 23; SWD 51; SWD 52; SWD 57.
On February 11, 2024, I attended the church's final program on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, to which I brought one SIght-seeing series drawing: SWD 36: Peace an Illusion! Prepared for Collusion! Two victims of The Troubles & 2 people-devouring Loch Neathach sea monsters-of-the-faith, northern Ireland; and a 2018 made drawing viewable in the Other Holocaust Art gallery in this website: Wrestling mit Hannah Arendt, the Shoah, Bayer Leverkusen aspirin and slave labor. Of these 2 drawings,I told the assembled congregants the titles and brief background to the 2 drawings, and a brief background about Hannah Arendt, her coverage of the 1961 trial of Adolph Eichmann in Jerusalem, and the controversy, especially among Jewish people, regarding her contention that any peoples are capable of perpetrating genocide.   


Feb. 4, 2024, during the next-to-last Sunday morning (pre-service) church program addressing the ongoing Israel and Hamas-Gaza-WestBank-Palestine war, four Segan drawings were displayed in the church library:

Jerusalem Mosaic, a 2007 drawing (see Other Human Rights Art for a photo);
SWD 23: Salaam aleichem! Shalom alekhem! (In memory of 4 teenage victims of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict slain 2014, 2015. Two were Jewish Israeli; two were Palestinian. Art: 2016;
SWD 51: Memorial to Palestinian American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh memorial and a fanciful Israeli RPG: Rocket-Propelled Gefilte. Art: 2022;
SWD 52: The Martyrdom of Italian photojournalist Raffaele Ciriello, March 13, 2002, by the adults who drive both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with their embrace of the "Bad Bad Bad B's! Barriers - Ballistics - Blockades - Bombardments - Bombs - Bullets - Bloodshed - Bodybags." Why won't they sit down, as the South Africans did, and the Northern Irish did, and embrace the life-saving "Good B's? Bake Bread! Break Bread together!" (Breaking bread is an expression meaning to sit down together and work out differences).  Art: 2022. / Also see TEACHING, Washington state, Seattle First Baptist Church listing.  

Seattle First Baptist Church 

February 4, 2024. 
I gave a talk, followed by a Q&A, with the congregational ommunity, for an interfaith education program, in the church library.
 I spoke of my 7 teaching visits to Israel, and my personal thoughts on how the conflict might eventually end; and I gave background commentary on 4 displayed drawings: Jerusalem Mosaic, a 2007 drawing (see Other Human Rights Art for a photo);
SWD 23: Salaam aleichem! Shalom alekhem! (In memory of 4 teenage victims of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict slain 2014, 2015. Two were Jewish Israeli; two were Palestinian. Art: 2016;
SWD 51: Memorial to Palestinian American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh memorial and a fanciful Israeli RPG: Rocket-Propelled Gefilte. Art: 2022;
SWD 52: The Martyrdom of Italian photojournalist Raffaele Ciriello, March 13, 2002, by the adults who drive both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with their embrace of the "Bad Bad Bad B's! Barriers - Ballistics - Blockades - Bombardments - Bombs - Bullets - Bloodshed - Bodybags." Why won't they sit down, as the South Africans did, and the Northern Irish did, and embrace the life-saving "Good B's? Bake Bread! Break Bread together!" (Breaking bread is an expression meaning to sit down together and work out differences). 

Artspace Hiawatha, Seattle

  • (2018) International Holocaust Remembrance Day & human rights educ w/ art program, April 11.

  • (2019) International Holocaust Remembrance Day & human rights educ w/ art program, Jan. 27. During the program Artspace resident Lizeta Walker sang a Greek song.  

Cascadia College, Bothell

Chavurah B’nai Shalom synagogue, Port Townsend - Sequim

  • (1999) UTW & Bernbaum art presentation with family, children, teens & adult audience following the Friday service (1999)

Chavarat Shir Hayam synagogue, Bainbridge Island, Sunday school

  • (2002) Held at the UTW art and late Chinese diplomat Feng Shan Ho photo exhibit, Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience, Seattle. Adults, including parents, some teens and children from 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th & 7th grade classes.The program included my leading the collective - group poetry writing exercise developed by Leah Thorn of Britain.

Congregation Beth Sholom synagogue, Tri-Cities

  • (2007) An exhibit tour and discussion of the UTW & SWD exhibit was held at the Washington State University Tri-Cities art gallery.

Community High School of Jewish Studies, Seattle

  • (2000) Held at the Mercer Island JCC. A UTW series and Israel Bernbaum art slide class.

Congregation Eitz Or synagogue, Seattle: Yom Kippur, Yizkor memorial service readings

  • (1998) A reading, edited by Segan, of excerpts from the book Harry James Cargas in conversation with Elie Wiesel, (pub. by Paulist Press, 1975) focusing on the symbolism of tears and clouds. The readers were service leader Larry Gerstenhaber, and Segan

  • (1999) A reading, edited by Segan, by four youth & two adults. The reading was based on letters sent by Jewish French children at the orphanage at Izieu, France, that had been mailed to their parents. Most of the children were eventually murdered at the Auschwitz death camp

  • (2002) A reading, edited by Segan, co-read by congregant Lynn Chapman and Segan

  • (2019) Drawing for Healing workshop, scheduled for summer 2019

Covenant House -  Campus Christian Ministry, Univ. of Washington, Seattle

  • UTW & Israel Bernbaum art slide class (1994; 1997). The 1994 presentation was my first UTW slide class, adult audience and  and a ten year old attended.

Denny Middle School, Seattle

  • Slide class presentations of UTW and Bernbaum art with 8th grade classes 1997

Evergreen State College, Olympia

  • Cross-Cultural Communication class

  • Exhibit tour with Q&A held at the Wing Luke Asian Museum exhibit of UTW art and photos about late Chinese diplomat Feng Shan Ho. [see Wing Luke, below].

Fairwood Library Branch, King County Library System

  • (1996) UTW & Bernbaum art slide class, audience of families with children, adults

Franklin High School, Seattle

  • UTW & Bernbaum art slide classes (2006)

Frye Art Museum, Seattle

  • (2001) Two auditorium slide class presentations: Israel Bernbaum & My Brother’s Keeper;  Background to the Under the Wings series. 

  • (2001) Multi-faith talk with Q&A for clergy and house of worship educators, at the Education Wing of the museum (two UTW artworks were on exhibit and art by 3 other artists).

  • (2001) Segan led a tour of the Holocaust art exhibit with disabled Jewish adults. Organized by Jewish Family Services, Seattle. The tour was of paintings by Holocaust survivor-artist Samuel Bak; paintings by empathizer artist Jerome Witkin, and other artists at the "Witness & Legacy" exhibit and the museum's Education Wing Holocaust art exhibition which included works by 4 Seattle area artists, including 2 UTW series artworks, UTW 36: Young man w/ Star; UTW 42: Shoah Dreams.

Garfield High School, Seattle

  • (2000, 2001) Presentations of UTW & Israel Bernbaum art with math, science, and photography classes

Hanford High School, Richland

  • (2007) Israel Bernbaum art & Under the Wings art slide class

Hanley - Robinson School, Seattle

  • (2002) A private elementary school. UTW & Bernbaum art slide class

Herzl Ner Tamid Conservative synagogue, Mercer Island

  • (1999) UTW & Bernbaum art presentation to a Kesher middle school class

Hillel Center, Univ. of Washington, Seattle. Exhibits

  • (1992; 2013) Group tour attendees during the 2013 exhibit included a class from Bellevue High School; and an Endless Opportunities seniors group organized by Jewish Family Services of Seattle [Also see Jewish Family Service - Seattle, below]

Immaculate Conception (Roman Catholic) School, Mt Vernon

  • (1999) UTW & Bernbaum art presentation with a class of 19 seniors.

Jason Lee Middle School, Tacoma

  • (2003) A class with 17 students, the teacher and a teacher’s aide attended a Pacific Lutheran University foreign language dept. lecture hall presentation. Same year, I did slide class presentations of UTW art with classes at the school.

Jewish Family Services of Seattle

  • Staff brownbag lunch slide classes with discussion

  • (1999) UTW & Israel Bernbaum art ; Toby Knobel Fluek art from her book Memories of my Life in a Polish Village (2002). These were ‘trial, ‘feedback from the attendees’ presentations for workshops I later facilitated at International Conferences on the Holocaust & Education, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem.

  • (2013) Endless Opportunities program - seniors tour of the UTW and SWD art exhibit, held at the Hillel Center, Univ of Washington

Kadima Reconstructionist synagogue, Seattle

  • (2010) Adult audience, participation program: A short duration slide class, followed by the Drawing-for-Healing workshop

Kadima Community Sunday School, Seattle

  • (1997, 2002) UTW & Bernbaum slide class art with 7th graders.Programs included my leading the collective - group poetry writing exercise developed by Leah Thorn of Britain [see background to the Drawing-for-Healing workshop info page in the website’s Teaching click-on (2002)

Kent Regional Library, King County Library

  • (1999) UTW & Israel Bernbaum art slide class. Attendees included a class from Sequoia Jr. High School, Kent

King County Community Services Division, Work Training Program, Career Development Learning Center for At-Risk and GED Students, Renton.

  • (1999) UTW &  Israel Bernbaum art slide class presentation with at-risk, GED students

Lake Washington Girls School, Seattle

  • (2004) UTW & Bernbaum art presentation w/ a class of 20 girls

Lewis & Clark High School, Spokane

  • (2003) Three separate presentations of UTW art w/ Social Studies – History classes, freshmen through seniors

Mercer Island United Methodist Church

  • (1996) UTW art exhibit, reception talk

  • (1996) Families and teen audience: UTW & Israel Bernbaum slide class

  • (1997) UTW & Israel Bernbaum art slide class

  • (2002) UTW art slide presentation with seniors audience

Middle College High School, Seattle

  • (1998) UTW & Bernbaum art, slide class, held at Seattle Central Community College

Mt Zion Baptist Church, Seattle.

  • (2004) Summer youth fun program. First session: Thirty seven children, ages 5, 6, 7. For the introduction we gathered around a table and  I talked about Jewish worship and ceremonial items I brought from my home. Followed by an Under the Wings art slide class with Q&A interspersed through the presentation. The second session was a UTW art slide class presentation w/ 20 teens, 5th through 8th graders.

Mt Baker Neighborhood Center for the Arts, Seattle

  • (2016) A brief talk by Segan, to the exhibit reception attendees, on the background to his 2 human rights series drawings on exhibit in the show ‘For the Love of the Earth’

Nathan Hale High School, Seattle

  • (1997) UTW & Israel Bernbaum art slide class presentations; three separate presentations, with 8th grade classes

Pacific Lutheran University, Foreign language dept, Tacoma (2002, 2003)  

  • A class from Jason Lee Middle School, Tacoma, attended a PLU lecture hall presentation. The first Drawing-for- Healing workshop was with a German language & lit class (2003)

Pacific Lutheran University, Mortvedt Library

  • (2001) UTW exhibit included a tour with Q&A, Foreign Language dept, German lang & lit students. Sammamish Branch, King County Library System. UTW & Bernbaum art slide class.

Seattle Central Community College, Seattle

  • (1998) UTW gallery exhibit with tours/talks. SIide class presentations, UTW & Israel Bernbaum art with classes from the Art dept and the English dept / Separate all-campus and town invite classroom presentation. An exhibit tour was followed with a slide class presentation on Israel Bernbaum’s art w/ a Sociology dept class, ‘Living, Death & Dying.’

Seattle Central College

  • (2013) UTW & SWD art exhibit, with tours from classes from the Art dept. and English departments. Drawing-for-Healing workshops facilitated w/ ESL English; & Art dept classes. See video excerpts posted in the Drawing-for-Healing info page.

  • SCC press release flyer, Segan exhibit of Holocaust, human rights art, with 3 color artworks shown.

  • SCC UTW, SWD exhibit, 2013 in The Stranger, Seattle (weekly newspaper), color reproduction of SWD drawing of Harvey Milk

  • See video - Human rights art: Drawing of Vietnamese Agent Orange victim w/ SCC student (4 min., 6 sec)

  • See video - Human rights educ: Territorial exercise, ESL class, Seattle Central College gallery 2013 (6 min., 1 sec)

  • See video -  Holocaust art, 2013 Seattle Central College students, family, teachers, librarians, clergy & artist A K Segan (24 min., 26 sec)

  • (2018) Seattle Central College, English dept: Power-point, Background to the UTW & SWD art series; Drawing-for-Healing workshop: ESL, English dept. class.

  • (2019) Seattle Central College, English dept: Power-point presentation (UTW, SWD series) with 2 combined ESL classes (of 2 English dept professors w/ their respective classes). Followed by the Drawing-for-Healing workshop w/ each class, separate workshops.

Seattle Hebrew High School

  • Community High School of Jewish Studies - held at the Mercer Island Jewish Community Center. UTW & Bernbaum art slide class presentation with combined classes of instructors Tammy Kay Kaiser, Gigi Yellen-Kohn; Holocaust survivor Bob Herschkowitz

Seattle Pacific University

  • (1994) Art Dept. UTW & Israel Bernbaum art

Seattle University

  • (2016) Holocaust Remembrance & Genocide Awareness program, Student Union. Program installation of two mosaic-drawing combos of the UTW series, UTW 63: Pere Jacques, UTW 62: Zlata Barshewsky, with short talk, Q&A with audience.

Sequoia Junior High, Kent

  • (2000) Five consecutive slide class presentations, one day. Five consecutive slide classes with Q&A’s was a record for me at the time. [Also see Kent Regional Library, King County Library System, above]

State of Washington, Dept of Social & Health Services, Belltown (Seattle)

  • (1995) Community Service Office. Staff presentation of a UTW & Israel Bernbaum art slide class.

State of Washington, Dept of Corrections, Washington State Reformatory, Monroe

  • (1997) UTW & Israel Bernbaum art slide presentation, presented at the prison chapel w/ an audience of 50 + adult prisoners, multi - ethnic, faith etc., background audience.  Campus Christian pastor Brooke Rolston of Seattle co-led the Q&A

State of Washington, Dept of Corrections, Twin Rivers Correctional Facility, Monroe

  • (1997, 2000, 2001) UTW & Bernbaum art slide classes presented to Jewish inmates.

State of Washington, Dept of Corrections

  • (1196-2006) The artist was a sponsor level volunteer, visiting Jewish inmates, on average twice monthly, at state prisons at Monroe, and at McNeil Island. Most of the programs were 2 person visits (Segan and another visitor) and also included a number of large group visitor programs for Jewish holidays, e.g. Passover, Chanukah, Purim.

Stroum Jewish Community Center - Northend, Seattle

  • (1983) "Two Jewish Artists: Rainer Waldman Adkins and Ken Akiva Segan Present Their Jewish Art,” a slide presentation

Temple Beth Am, Seattle

  • (1997) Friday evening service talk by Segan on the inception & background to the UTW art series. UTW & Bernbaum art slide presentations, 3 separate class presentations: 7th, 8th & 9th grade. Hebrew school classes.

Temple Beth Shalom Sunday School, Spokane

  • (2003) Q&A with children, teachers in Temple lobby installation of UTW 36: Young man with Star of David armband in the Warsaw ghetto. Separate slide class presentation of UTW art with 6th & 7th graders

Temple B’nai Torah, Mercer Island

  • (1994) Adult audience program of UTW & Israel Bernbaum art

Temple B’nai Torah, Bellevue

  • (1995, 1996) UTW & Israel Bernbaum art slide presentations, combined 6th grade classes, parents, teachers.

Temple de Hirsch Sinai, Seattle

  • (2000) Hebrew school class presentation. (2002) Temple Sisterhood adult audience presentation, UTW & Bernbaum art

The Summit on First Hill, Seattle

  • (2016) Jewish community seniors-elderly residence. Slide classes, UTW art (2001); Bernbaum art (2002). Power-point presentations on Toby Knobel Fluek art  (2014); Judaica Mosaica (2015) Guest facilitated the Drawing-for-Healing workshop.

  • (2015) Seniors and elderly residence. Slide/power-point classes (2002, 2003, 2014, 2015). Drawing-for-Healing workshop

University Baptist Church, Seattle

  • (1994): UTW & Israel Bernbaum art slide class

  • (1995): UTW slide class

  • (2012): Segan led portions of a Holocaust and Human rights education focused service. Following an intermission after the service Segan presented a UTW & SWD slide class

University Christian Church, Seattle

  • (2001) Segan co-led, with pastor Jeanne Vandergrift, a Holocaust remembrance service. Accompanying Segan with singing and with her accordion: D’vorah Kost. Programming was co-developed with Pastor Vandergrift, Rev. Brooke Rolston of Covenant House, Dvorah Kost of Congregation Eitz Or and Segan.

University Congregational Church, Seattle

  • (1996) UTW & Bernbaum art slide classes, w/ adult audience

  • (1998, 2000) Segan, accompanied by D’vorah Kost on accordion, and senior pastor Rev. Dr. Donald MacKenzie co-led Holocaust Memorial Day sanctuary services for separate children & family services, and adult services.

  • (2001) Segan co-presented a Holocaust remembrance service with senior pastor Rev. Dr. Donald MacKenzie. Segan's talk at the service, "E-Mailing God for remembrance" was published as a Viewpoint article in The Jewish Transcript, Seattle. April 27, 2001. Following the second service congregation members viewed a tabletop installation of UTW 42: Shoah Dreams, in the church Narthex (sanctuary lobby).

  • (2003) Sunday school. Three Introduction to Judaism classes,  co-teaching with Segan were Rainer Waldman Adkins; Adie Lee Goldberg.

  • (2000) Adult audience, UTW & Israel Bernbaum art slide class

University House, Wallingford, Seattle

  • (2018) Background to the UTW & SWD series power-point. With seniors, elderly resident audience. Introduction by (retired) campus pastor Brooke Rolston (2018). See video - Q&A w/ the audience (17 min., 46 sec).

  • (2019): Power-point presentation: Winged depictions in art from antiquity to the present, from worldwide (scheduled for July 2019); Drawing-for-Healing workshop (scheduled for August 2019)

University of Washington

  • (1995) History Department class.Slide class presentation in my art studio, Westworks Studios, Pioneer Square district, Seattle

  • (2001) Human Rights Forum. Sponsored by the UW Human Rights Education & Research Network. “Holocaust Education Through Art – A Slide Lecture:  My Brother’s Keeper – Paintings by Israel Bernbaum, and Under the Wings of G-d – Drawings by Akiva Segan.” The flyer included the following text: Special thanks to the UW Burke Museum zoology dept staff for their assistance in making the Wings collection available.

U.S. Social Security Administration, Columbia Center Regional Office, Seattle

  • (2004) Human diversity training class, 70 attendees

Washington State University, Tri-Cities campus, Richland, WA

  • (2007). UTW and SWD art exhibit, w/ public and campus invite gallery tours (also see Congregation Beth Sholom listing, above). Campus & town invite, held at a WSU auditorium - lecture hall. Campus radio interview (see the url in About the Artist – then click Interviews).

  • (2007) October 8, Washington State University, Tri-Cities. Segan Holocaust and human rights art exhibit press release (text only).

Wing Luke Asian Museum, Seattle

  • 2002 Programs included:
    a) German dept. class from Pacific Lutheran University [see their listing, above]
    b)  Families, children & other adults from Chavurat Shir Hayam synagogue community, Bainbridge Island [see their listing, above]
    c) Fifth graders from Woodridge Elementary School, Bellevue [see listing, below]
    d) Exhibit tour and QA with staff visiting from the American Liver Foundation, NY headquarters staff and Seattle chapter staff
    e) Exhibit tour & Q&A with Puget Sound clergy and religious school staff
    f) Exhibit tour and talk with ‘the Lori Markowitz Community Education Group,’ with 15 school children, 3rd to 6th graders, and 22 adults
    g) Exhibit tour and talk with an Evergreen State College class [see their listing, above]

Woodridge Elementary School, Bellevue

  • (2002) Program with 5th graders held at the Wing Luke Asian Museum, Seattle. The exhibit-centered program focused on a talk with Q&A in front of UTW 42: Shoah Dreams.